Poppies in Acrylic – Steps to loose painting I combined my ability to depict realistic Poppies in acrylic paint with fun and intuitive brush work. This painting is about design and texture. The warm colors give it a rich and cozy feeling. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Original Paintings
Poppy Field Flower
July 23, 2012 by Elizabeth | 0 comments
Poppy Field Flower – Original Oil Painting
“Poppy Field Flower” is an original oil painting inspired by the Remembrance Day Poppy and our nations hope for peace. The composition is positive and fragile. The viewers perspective is looking to the sky at one delicate flower in a field. The precious poppy in the center represents the delicate hold we have on peace.
Poppy Field Flower – Perspective
The pattern of flowers in different shapes and sizes give perspective to the painting, tricking the eye into believing the larger flowers are close and the smaller field flowers are farther away. Larger flowers appear to be in the foreground and smaller flowers in the background. This type of technique works because we assume that flowers of the similar species like the poppy are all the same size. When some poppies are depicted larger then others we automatically translate that into believing that their must be actual distance between the flowers.
Poppy Field Flower – Rhythm
The three colors, pink, blue and red, as well as the shapes of the flowers give variety and rhythm to the painting. In both art and music, rhythm is an important technique to inspire emotion and continuity throughout the piece. A pattern of three shapes and sizes placed in balance and symmetry creates rhythm. A more complicated work may have a more complex pattern such as layers of three sets of shapes. Three sizes and shapes of flowers in three colors with three sizes and shapes of blades of grass also in three colors. A simple pattern emotes tranquility and a complex pattern emotes discord. The mood created by pattern and rhythm can be further manipulated by color, shapes and lines.

Poppy Field Flowers 24″wide 36″high
Winter Trees – Palette Knife Painting
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