Elizabeth Reoch

Visual art lessons from a Canadian Artist, Teacher

Preschool Craft Ideas – Eric Carle

Preschool Craft Ideas – Eric Carle

Each Preschool Craft Ideas – Eric Carle was inspired by his children’s books. These preschool craft ideas came from a Montreal ECE teacher.

The Tiny Seed

Poetic but simple text and lovely collage pictures dramatize the life cyc

le of all plants, as one tiny seed grows into an enormous sunflower, which then produces more seeds in its turn.

 The Very Busy SpiderPreschool Craft Ideas - Eric Carle

With the use of raised printing, this innovative book adds the sense of touch to vision and hearing as ways to understand and enjoy the strikingly designed illustrations and the memorable story. Various farm animals try to divert a busy little spider from spinning her web, but she persists and produces a thing of both beauty and usefulness. Enjoyed by all audiences, this book’s tactile element makes it especially interesting to the visually-impaired.

The very Lonely Firefly

Young readers empathize with the lonely firefly who makes many errors as he looks for the group where he will really “belong.” In his search for compatible companions, he meets many other night creatures, but none is quite right—until the happy surprise at the very end when the illustration of a swarm of friendly fireflies literally shines and twinkles a welcome.

Preschool Craft Ideas - Eric Carle








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